Hiring Mobile App Developers in 6 Steps

Before you start the hiring process, it’s important to have clear mobile app development goals and a budget. You need to know how much you’re willing to spend at different stages. That way, you’ll be able to hire the candidate or team that can get the job done on time and without breaking the bank.

Mobile App
Mobile App

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s dive deeper into how you can hire a mobile app developer. It’s important to note that finding someone who looks like a good fit on paper. There are many other factors to consider. Below, I’ve outlined six steps you can take to find the right person (or team) for the job.

1. Ask friends or coworkers for referrals

Asking people you know and trust for referrals is a great way to drastically reduce the amount of time you spend searching for candidates. With this method, you can save a lot of time and effort sifting through hundreds of substandard candidate profiles. Instead, you can focus on high-quality candidates who are recommended by people you trust the most.

However, keep in mind that even if your coworker or business friend thinks the candidate is a good fit, they may not be. So, stick to app development dubai for your business.

2. Search for the right candidates on different hiring Mobile App platforms

If you haven’t been able to get referrals from your friends or colleagues. Or if they simply aren’t a good fit, your next best option is to research hiring platforms. The platforms mentioned above are great places to look for candidates. For example, let’s say you decide to look for a freelancer on Fiverr. You can simply go to the site and search for “mobile app developer” in the search bar.

From there, you can sift through the freelancers that appear to find one that fits your needs. If none of the freelancers are a good fit for your project. You can follow the same process on other freelancer sites until you find a suitable candidate.

When it comes to finding a full-time employee, the process is different. Instead of sourcing candidates. You can have people apply for the position through job postings on sites like Indeed and Glassdoor. Or you can create a company page on LinkedIn to attract potential employees. Finally, you can hire outsourced teams through platforms like 99 Firms and Slingshot or by identifying companies at tech events.

3. Examine their portfolios, testimonials, and technologies

It’s crucial to see what their past clients have to say. Develop a list of questions that will help you understand their development skills and experience. Did they execute the application well enough? How well did they organize themselves? Make sure their specific technical skills are a good match for your project needs.

4. Look at the additional services they offer

An application development dubai offer additional services that are not required for your app, such as design, project management, etc. While these additional services are nice to have, they can often result in higher costs. Depending on the scope of your project, you may want to look for someone or a team that offers a plan that only includes the services you need.

5. Consider the Mobile App company culture

If you are hiring an individual, they will need to have a personality that works well in your work environment. If you are hiring an outsourced team, you will need to look into the company culture and determine if it fits with yours. For example, the IT company you are planning to outsource to may give their developers a lot of creative leeway, while you do not. Or, a freelancer may be used to handling projects on their own, while you want them to work as part of a team.

The best way to determine if they are a good fit is to conduct an in-person or video interview. Ask about their values, goals, typical work processes, etc. From the meeting, you can assess the employee’s personality and see if their work ethic. Company values, and expectations align with yours.

6. Keep Mobile App communication in mind

When hiring a remote person or team, always keep communication in mind. While it is possible to work with someone on the other side of the world. Working across time zones can be disruptive to operations. Before you hire an app developer, you need to make sure it makes logical sense and that you have the communication tools you need to make it work.

For example, if your company is based in North America and you hire a freelancer from Eastern Europe, there will be a seven-hour time difference. This means that when you arrive at work at 9 a.m., it will already be 4 p.m. in Europe. It’s always best to consider hiring someone who is in the same time zone as you. This will make it easier to schedule specific times for conference calls or collaboration.